Parking & Security
Al Sawan created this division to serve clients with specialized parking and security needs, whether it’s a multi story parking facility or a multiple residential configuration.
This specialized division gained the trust of its clients because of the high quality equipment and distinguished after sale service. Currently, many clients in Kuwait rely on our parking and security equipment.
Our solutions are relevant to both Public and Private sectors.
- Auto gate barrier.
- Ticket dispenser machine –ENT Lane.
- Auto Pay station.
- Lag reader –exit lane.
- Fee computing.
- Ticket validator.
- Parking tickets –Mag strip / Bar code.
- LPR –license plate recognition / NPR.
- Mobility payment.
- Parking guidance system
- Security systems.
- Bollards –Hydraulic –Fixed.
- Tire Killers –with springs or counter weight or electrical one.
- Road Blockers –Underground–Shallow.
- Speed Humps.
- Reflective Mirrors.
- Corner Rubbers.
- Protectors.
- Traffic Signs.
- Parking meters –on street parking.
- Car boot –Immobilisers.
- Turnstiles.
- Access System.
- Card Readers.
- Access Cards.
- Finger Prints.

Click link below to download our Parking Solutions brochure or scan the QR Code.